'Starfire' ending at #12 confirmed.

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>Jimmy Palmiotti: When we were offered Starfire over a year ago, Amanda and I committed to 12 issues total, nothing more and nothing less, and with the series ending with us. We worked out the year in advance, and now we are writing the last couple of issues. Nothing has changed for us on any level. What they’ll do with the character after us is in the hands of the people at DC Comics and we are good with whatever they choose.

>We look at the series as spending time with a character we love, and hope that our version will continue in the books after. We did the same with our Power Girl series years ago. Again, that too was our choice. We feel a year on a title gives the reader what they want, and in the end a nice trade collection. Us ending on #12 had nothing to do with any re-launch or anything else going on in the DCU.

>If we wanted to stay on for another six issues, we could have, but we have another project we are doing that will be announced later in the year right after this. That said, we love the character and, like any character we spend time with, they are bound to show up in another book of ours in the future.

>Amanda Conner: Yes, most of the time I have about six to twelve issues of ideas in me, so that’s what I try to commit to. That said, now that we’re nearing twelve issues, we really love Kori’s character, and the series ending doesn’t mean you won’t see Starfire pop up in other places!