No.79681549 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Iron Man 1
>"hurr durr, corporations and billionaires should be able to make whatever dodgy shit they want, fuck the government"
>evil billionaire takes control of his company and funnels all this dodgy shit to terrorists

>Iron Man 2
>"hurr durr the suit is my property I can do what I want with it, fuck the government"
>immediately gets wasted, almost kills multiple people while fucking around, and later causes millions in property damage

>"hurr durr Nick Fury is selling weapons to finance defending the Earth from Armageddon, fuck the government"
>divides the Avengers team, allowing Loki to escape and fuck up NYC

>Iron Man 3
>"hurr durr, I can deal with the Mandarin by myself, fuck the government"
>President is kidnapped, Air Force One is destroyed, and his girlfriend almost dies

>Avengers 2
>"hurr durr, I should mess with this alien artifact without knowing what it is and without any oversight, fuck the government"
>creates an evil robot that almost destroys the fucking world and obliterates a small country

>Civil War
>"actually, I clearly cannot be trusted to make the right decisions, maybe the government isn't so bad"

Why do people think this is an unrealistic character arc?