World of Superpowers

!!7w20OClG2h4 No.79412099 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>79364974

Welcome to the Amazing World of /co/!
Where practically everyone is powered in some way.

1 - Gain an ability.

2 - Gain a Rival to fight

3 - Choose a faction
The Paradigm - The Global Society of Heroes (Main HQ in New York City)
The Congregation - The Global Society of Villains (Main HQ in Los Angeles)
No Faction - You're on your own.

You can band together with other Super-humans if need be. Power Plays are allowed.

You can keep a character from a previous thread - but a new character is HIGHLY recommended.

If a previous character is being used, the previous screen name is recommended for consistency.

If you gain a power held by someone else, then you must try again for a new ability.

And Lastly - Characters can be killed or even revived under the right conditions. But they CANNOT be removed from existence unless the power gives permission.