SHANG-CHI Spoilers

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In case anyone is curious.

>The Mandarin is an immortal warlord kept alive by the power of the Ten Rings and bent on conquering the world.
>He finds the mystical city of Tai-Lo but falls in love with one of its protectors, Jiang Li, and abandons his crusade for her.
>Jiang Li is murdered by the Mandarin’s enemies shortly after giving birth to their children Shang-Chi and Xialing, and he rebuilds his criminal empire to avenge her.
>The Mandarin trains Shang-Chi and Xialing to become deadly warriors who can eventually succeed him, but they refuse to follow in on his footsteps.
>The Mandarin sends teenage Shang-Chi to execute the man who killed his mother, but he refuses and flees to America to start anew.
>10 years later, Shang-Chi works as a valet with his friend Katy Chen. He receives a postcard from Xialing, who is living in Tokyo.
>Shang-Chi and Katy are attacked by the Mandarin’s enforcer Razorfist in a bus. He steals a necklace that Shang-Chi’s mother gave him as a baby while Shang-Chi and Katy are busy stopping the runaway bus.
>Shang-Chi and Katy decide to visit Xialing in Tokyo for information and learn she runs an underground fight club where Wong and Abomination often hustle. A Black Widow and an Extremis soldier are also spotted.
>Xialing resents Shang-Chi for leaving her behind and they fight in the cage, during which she reveals she didn’t send him the postcard.
>Razorfist and his men attack the spot in search of Xialing’s necklace and Shang-Chi, Katy and Xialing flee to a nearby construction site.
>Shang-Chi and Xialing’s master Death Dealer arrives and fights Shang-Chi while Razorfist steals Xialing’s necklace. The Mandarin arrives and captures Shang-Chi, Katy and Xialing.
>At the Ten Rings’ headquarters, the Mandarin reveals that once combined the necklaces form a path to Tai-Lo. He wants to go there to find Jiang Li, whose voice he hears in his dreams.