Harley Quinn and her popularity among women

No.124718113 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>hot and she knows it - everyone wants to bang her
>childlike disposition, but never questioned about it or forced to grow up
>mentally ill and bipolar but in a cute and quirky way that's always charming and endearing to the people around her
>dresses like a crazy slut in the most colourful, attention grabbing fashion available
>actually REALLY smart you guys - she's totally smarter than you but she doesn't need to prove it because she's too busy having fun
>Never suffers any lasting consequences for her actions, regardless of how they impact others
>Fucks whoever she wants, says whatever she wants, does whatever she wants and never has to stop to think about it
>Constantly in the company of either an abusive, handsome sociopath who hurts her but loves her deep down or a cook lesbian ecowarrior who would die and kill for her
>Popular and famous - well-known to others
>No real responsibilities or obligations to anyone but herself and maybe sometimes her female friends.
Harley Quinn is literally the female power fantasy. That's why she became such am overnight success. She's everything the average woman longs to be - free from any and all fetters, never judged, never denied, never cautioned, never ignored. She is what Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman can never be - a character who truly speaks to the female mindset in the way characters like Batman and Superman have spoken to the male mindset in years.

Whereas men look at these heroes and dream of adventure, overcoming challenges, conquering enemies and embodying philosophies, women look at Harley Quinn and imagine living in a world where they can have all the attention, resources and love they want without ever having to give any back.