No.123849339 ViewReplyOriginalReport
HOLY FUCK I just watched Summer Camp Island's fourth season and I shit myself multiple times because I couldn't get up from my chair from how GRIPPING it was and also how high I was. The first episode made me feel like I was tripping more and spoke to me.

Not only does it raise the stakes by having Hedgehog drop a massive fart that can be heard throughout Heartforde (really should be called FARTFORDE) but my favorite retarded mammoth gets a full episode two. My pants were already brown by the third episode.

There's an episode where you get to see Oscar and Hedgehog as kids and I loved it so much I pissed myself and remembered that I had just finished my last Budweiser. (I got the six-pack on sale at Stop & Shop.)

So what did I learn from this experience? I learned that all the residents and campers on the Island are assholes. Assholes I love with all my heart. My pants are ruined, my chair is ruined, and my apartment smells like shit and my roommates are banging on the door. Give me a lemon.