Just watched Frozen 2

No.123809534 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Honestly, I'm not sure what I made of it. I don't think it was a bad film or anything, but I just had a weird feeling after the climax I can't really explain. Almost, unsatisfied?
I don't mind the colonisation theme at all, I think I heard it was controversial. It doesn't bother me, but I think what doesn't work is that it just feels like it has little relevance to the Frozen world. It wasn't really anything deep, and it was solved without much ado and bare bones fantasy. The whole film was just solving a petty war that started because different = bad. Disney themselves did that better, it was just so bog standard

I don't know if I'm misremembering Frozen1, but some of the characters felt flanderized. Kristoff's entire subplot is retarded. Elsa is a bit airheaded but it's not too bad because they do try to justify it. I think moments like where they pretend Elsa died are just cheap, because you know Disney isn't going to kill off one of their main icons. It doesn't work. Also ultimately, there's no consequence in the entire film. Arendelle doesn't get destroyed, no one gets hurt, there's only one meaningful change to the world and that's them splitting up, which I didn't like and it felt pretty rushed.

No memorable songs either, "some things never change" was the best. I feel like some of the others were too much style over substance. They made it all flashy and a visual feast, but the song themselves weren't noteworthy. Kind of felt like they were trying to force another Let It Go.

I like that they expanded on their Parents, as well as Elsa's powers. But again, it was half baked. Why did their mom save their dad in the first place? How were they gifted for that? Anna takes a backseat for most of the film, her heroine moment doesn't really make up for it. I didn't hate the film by any means, I don't even think I'm underwhelmed, just weird really. It kinda feels like an unnecessary sequel and doesn't justify its existence, which is sad.

Am I being too harsh?