No.123602428 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Watched this first day it came out, and I found it depressing. Waited some time, watched it again. Still depressing.

I see characters like Katie who are outcasts that "find themselves" and "their people" and get upset that I never did the same thing, that I can't do the same thing. What does that even mean? Is this Hollywood bullshit, like the concept of a happy ending?

>find something you love doing and are good at
>major in that thing at college
>meet friends at college you can relate to
>find girlfriend

This movie is funnier and has better animation than Soul, but it makes me feel like I've failed and will never be happy. Soul made me feel like there's still time and still ways.

Was Mike's life a waste, or just different? Can I still be like Mike?

Anyway, MvM thread.