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>So that's what I concluded to be my reason for making this little comic. If that technocracy is to come it will come, be it in 5 years or 50, and it will be in accordance with God's plan. For me personally I wont be harmed by it, because God already had mercy on me and pulled me to him last year. My soul is safe, no matter what's to come.

I'd been an atheist for nearly 15 years. A little over a year ago I started feeling a pull to belive in God, Jesus, and I hestitantly started calling myself a Christian. But really I wasn't, I didn't even know what Christians believe. I would pray for good things to happen to me and my family, and for peace of mind, success in my career. I read one of the gospels and didn't understand much. I never admitted my sinfullness. Life was good, my career was going well, lots of things to plan for and look forward to in the future.

But as so many other last year (2020), I was jolted out of my comfort. And through many turns God, by his providence, allowed me to undertand something of how truly sinful my nature is, and how little I deserve mercy. How no amount of doing good could ever make me righteous enough to deserve being in God's presence. I'm exceedingly prideful, self-righteous, greedy, covetous. There's so much spite and envy in my heart. So much love for myself and so little for God, even if I tried to excuse myself and pretend otherwise. And most of my life I'd belittled God and sneered at biblical Christianity, while elevating myself as more enlightened and wise as a progressivism-minded Atheist. Yet despite all this God granted me the gift of belief in His existance, and then, in late autumn of 2020, repentance and forgiveness throught his son Jesus Christ. I have nothing to fear.

so minna sunberg (stan still stay silent creator) became a new born christian