Star vs. the Forces of Evil

No.120685670 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just finished watching the first season of Star Vs

Anyone interested enough to discuss?

In short I found it sloppy and inconsistent although decent enough. The weirdest thing is that I clearly see the ghost of a season-long storyline where Marco and Star start out merely tolerating each other and only become friends over time at the same time Marco transitions from a boring dork to being up for adventure. Different episodes could fit into different part of this arc but you couldn’t reconstruct it by rearranging episodes because some of the last episodes in the seasons seem they should come very early but move the Toffee storyline forward meaning they have to come late. Without this storyline certain episodes fall flatter then they should, like Marco initially approving of the evil boarding school only to lead the rebellion against it. This could have been a turning point for his character.