A Question for the 2000's anons

No.120114275 ViewReplyOriginalReport
People born in the 2000's what do you think of animation today? I was born in 97 and saw stuff I would kill to see again, mostly animation wise with stuff like the early 2000's Disney movies or the style of early Cartoon Network and Nick cartoons. Honestly I felt what I saw was better, and that's the reason why I ask 2000's because alot of people here tend to agree that this is where things "went to shit" so it'd be interesting to hear the new generations point of view on this and to see whether what we had was good or if i'm just jaded due to the generational new bad old good mind set setting in. The cut off I can ask for without users getting banned is 2003 but you probably didn't watch t.v until 4 or 5 years later so i'd be getting the pov from people in 2008, which is about as good as I can get info wise here.