How to fix it

No.119587820 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Retain the PS2 games' criticism of greed and consumption culture instead of making it a generic movie about being a hero
> Make Ratchet, Clank, Quark and Drek closer to their original iterations
> Ratchet starts out as the wide-eyed kid from the movie, becomes a cynical jerk after Quark betrays him, realizing he's only been worshiping a greedy dirtbarg, and eventually finds the hero within him. He's come out of this adventure more mature and more aware of the world and its nuance.
> Give Clank the active and prominent role he deserved, instead of getting his spotlight stolen by Quark.
> Make Quark evil from the start with no possible redemption for him. Dude brushed off the destruction of several planets cause he had a deal with Drek.
> Make Drek the aggressive and threatening midget he once was
> Keep Grim and Elaris they were fine additions
> Remove Cora, Brax, Victor and that annoying robot guy, they added nothing
> Bring back Clank's mom and give her more characterization, like she was Drek's personal computer but she grew a conscience after participating in all the horrors he committed
> Have the Blarg destroy Fastoon so Ratchet has a personal reason to fight them and we can get rid of most of the Future bullshit
> Replace the Deplanetiser with that huge planet-sized claw briefly shown in the first game, it makes for something way more terrifying