Emmy the Robot - Official Comic

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Good morning/afternoon/night everyone! Today's comic is "For the Orphans", the direct follow-up to last weekends comic. This comic raises a lot of questions about Madeline's relationship with her mother, father and Emmy herself. We saw in "Evening Routine" how happy she is for her dad to get home despite how seemingly absent he is at the dinner table due to work being brought back. In this comic, though, we see Madeline voice how upset she is with being treated more as a prop by her mother for showing off her "French-speaking, super smart, private schooled daughter", and we see Emmy take the role less of "Mom 2" than a sympathetic older sister who's been through the motions like Madeline has, but ultimately has a duty too to Angela, her owner.

Some questions this raises are just how Madeline sees Emmy, whether more as a maid or more as a sibling given she cooks for her, takes her to school, reads her stories, etc. meanwhile her mother and father are too absent, or at least indisposed due to work, to be there for her.

Anyways, that out of the way, how was everyone's Thanksgiving? Don't celebrate it - how was your day Thursday? Are you excited for Christmas (Advent starts Sunday!)?