!!4Du9KHPEK6Y No.119055240 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>57 year old virgin
>287 lbs as of this morning
>yeah, with rage
>care about the cartoons that bring me joy because I have very little outside of my monthly (large) and weekly (much smaller) retard checks
>writers, artists and actors constantly make me feel like a fuckin retard for giving a shit about their content
>it’s 2020 now
>the last decade has been sjw who patronize people only with their select personal perspective such as fags and trannies

Why was I born, just to be a constantly overlooked joke? My life fuckin sucks so all I have is to look to creators to give me something to care about but all it is, is self centered liberals (I’m centrist because I want the best for everyone) and jokes at my expense from both the elephants and the donkeys.

Everything sucks, man. Am I really doomed to just be passively aggressively bullied in to suicide because no one has the balls to tell me what a leech I am?

I desperately want freaks like Pamperchu and Logan and Jake Paul to kill themselves. I see them as beneath me. But when I’m constantly berated... I don’t know, man.
I’m on the verge. I am not asking to be salvaged. Just talk about this shit. Whatever you want.
