Lesbians in cartoons

No.118928819 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Of these four couples, the only one I was ok with were Luz & Amity. I guess I'm more forgiving towards The Owl House because you at least know what you're getting into. Since the very beginning, the story made it clear that they were going the yuri route with these two. And I can respect that the story isn't being subtle or subversive about it.

I hated how Korrasami, Bubbline, and Jackie suddenly became lesbos in later seasons of their shows. Early seasons and the first handful of episodes they appeared in don't have any indication that they're gay. Korra, Asami, and Jackie were definitely into guys. And Bubblegum/Marceline seemed more like best friends rather than lovers. You get tricked into thinking they're straight and feel betrayed when the story suddenly goes NOPE, THEY'RE GAY NOW. THEY DON'T LIKE DICK LOL.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you're going to have lesbians in your show, you should have the balls to make it clear early on like The Owl House did.