No.118697954 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pic related got me thinking.
There are lots of fanart depicting good male characters from cartoons going full playboy on any piece of ass that dares cross their path, and all of it is totally OOC.
Let's take this pic for instance. In the show Marco does garner female attention, but really he only seeks out Jackie's, and in a pretty meek manner. Canonically speaking he does not have the guts —even in his grown-up chad form— to be so brazen, much less to actually pull it off. And even if we didn't go to the softcore porn extremes of this pic, he still lacks the spine to just be upfront about his intentions in a classically modest, flirtatious manner. Because God knows if he did half of the romance drama of the show could have been skipped.
So here's a question:
Are there any non-villanous/anti-heroic characters in western cartoons manly and uninhibited enough to actually show their interest in women unabashedly? And I don't mean it as in perpetually-failed womanizers like Johnny Bravo or the ambiguous assholery of John Redcorn, since both are negative archetypes —the first being played for laughs at the expenses of a lovable bufoon and the second criticised for his underhandedness by righteously losing the woman he loves and the chance to raise his son.
What I'm referring to are characters who are true Cassanovas, played straight and without framing them up from some moral highground as reprehensibly debauched or emotionally-deaf sociopaths.