No.118422543 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just watched Adult Swim's rerun of classic FG tonight and holy shit Stewie's voice transition between Peter, Peter Caviar Eater and Stuck Together, Torn Apart is horrendous.

It's also where they rerecorded that laugh and cry clip (thank god they reverted it, one of the best things post cancellation did) and made the intro choir sound bland, I liked the way it was before.
I rate the last half of Season 3 to be OK sans the obvious ludokino episodes like Brian and the old lady, Povenmire's episode about the South, the episode about Lois and the paper towels, and the one about jews. Other than those few, it's where things started to fall a little flat and some of the episodes are where Meg had the worst treatment (which I find strange considering that Weinstein was all about Peter caring for Meg and Lois) before revival but it was a good end to the series pre-revival.