No.118252916 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would the US military or any industrialized nation would fare against the fire nation of ATLAverse. Would they stand a chance or would get murderfucked to
oblivion? I'm assuming how the scenery will start out

>End of season 2
>Aang goes temporary long sleep
>Azula has full control of ba sing se and earth kingdom
>Somewhere in the 4 nations some wonky honky warp fuckery magic bullshit happens and giant ass portal opens in our modernizated world
>US government discovered the portal
>Send in US army along with CIA glowies to make contact with rhe world and futher see if there's any intelligent beings in the world
>Found a local earth kingdom village to explain everything and the history and recent events (100 year war, Return of the Avatar, bending, 4 nations etc.)
>US government sends diplomats to make contact with the nations
>Cooperation goes decent until the fire nation incident
>Cooperation with the fire nation goes south and one of the diplomats gets burned (likely azula being a bitch)
>FN basically declares war on the US.
>FN has been spying by sending soldiers to plan attack on a nearby major US city
>They plan to attack, underestimating the US military, believing they are the most powerful military in the world.

What happens next?