Why do Mexicans get all the cool stuff lately?

No.117140044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hear me out before you call this /a/ trash, why can't we organize and actually get a good cartoon only streaming service

Not only do they get Tooncast for all cartoon nostalgic purposes but the way cartoons are licensed allows multiple local and national networks to air wathever as they see fit to a point a b movie horror Channel gets to air Anime and Once TV gets to sub not just anime but cool foreign cartoons I have never seen in America.

Now they are cutting the intermediaries for anime with crunchy and funi and will sub/dub in country with direct studio collaboration for licensing rights

Why can't we get something like this for cartoons? Instead of waiting for a network to air something after 8 hours of SpongeBob/TTGO reruns or subscribing to a bunch of services that hold cartoons hostages why can't we get an all cartoon service that cuts the crap and allows us to watch on demand?

Why does Mexico gets this? Is it because they have EL ESPECIALISTA EN ANIME and people knowledgeable enough in international law to BTFO the Japanese equivalent of Viacom and air anime for free as if it was a national party, is it because they have shown there's a demand for it? Or maybe is it because Americans still see cartoons as a joke aimed to kids that wouldn't turn to profit?

TLDR Mexicans will get anime on demand sub/dubbed without censorship for pretty much free while we get jackshit and I'm mad about it