KO Rewrite?

No.115350537 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm gonna say it- Ok Ko Let's be Heroes wasn't perfect, far from it. I mean, I still enjoyed it for what it was but I still wanted it to be better.
Assuming if this show gets a reboot in the future or you gain the ability to travel back in time, how would you change the story for the better? Here are my thoughts;

>Ditch all the filler episodes, i.e. After School Specials/Social commentaries, Cross overs and that time skip episode
>Focus more on KO, with Rad and Enid not befriending him until he actually grows stronger - pose them as minor antagonists even to motivate his training
>Lose the twist of Venomous being Lazer Blast, just have him kill KO's father instead
>Loose the entire Turbo KO personality, but keep the power
>Have a season long arc where KO works for Boxman or another villain as a way to learn more about his Turbo and how to use it
>End the arc with KO having to decide between having a chance at starting his path of becoming a renown Villains apprentice or killing his mother
>After decision is made set up room for another series