We are Going into another Dark Age of Animation Arent We?

No.114799486 ViewReplyOriginalReport
And just as the the world is going dark as well.

Good ideas do not get to the level of approval , too much corporate SJW influnce/ catering to china, too many unpleasable people on the internet, profits are down from animation, not enough time or money to feed the beast with quality.

Maybe we deserve it. But then I wonder what we will look like when we come out of it, or better yet, how we will survive it.

I think we have consumed all the good that we can, this board is now just rehash or rehash because there is nothing more hot coming for a while, and nothing hot now. So now, we must take what we can from animation going forward. if the messages ever meant anything, if the beauty ever inspired us, if they ever made us think , if we ever wondered why we enjoyed them or followed then you will be stronger

Animation as a medium allows for more than live action, probably because there is no expectation of reality being portrayed, and that is why I think we gravitate to it. But there is also price for that escapism, and eventually we have to return to the real world