No.112339538 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I had some sort of profound thing happen to me tonight. It was my birthday, and my siblings surprised me at the party with a complete series box set of Animaniacs as a birthday gift. So we popped in the DVD and started watching a few episodes. And there was like something magical happening, a mix of pain and pleasure of nostalgia, I was laughing so hard at these nearly 30 year old cartoons, I started crying, like 25 years of pent up frustration, and sadness, and everything all flooded out of my system to make way for this feeling of pure happiness I thought I'd lost. It was better than sex. Like finding a long dead part of my soul again. There was a wave of pure elation as I kept watching. Like every stress in my life melted away, and I could tell the entire world to fuck off, I'm watching cartoons, dammit.

Who knew cartoons possessed such magical healing properties? This was a treasure and something I needed.