Harley Quinn Show

No.111945766 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So we're past episode 3 now and the show is pretty much out of whatever we could consider its "growing pains" so we can now actually talk about it critically without seeming like assholes jumping the gun.

It's s?h?i?t? not very good.

The first episode had a ton of problems that can be waved away as it being the pilot - ultra compression (felt like a 44 minute script cut down to 22), forced exposition, terrible comedic timing, and some really bad reads.
The second episode reduced those problems dramatically and I feel like the third episode was properly timed and well-read, so most of these issues appear to be gone. Unfortunately that leaves the real issue, the elephant in the room, the biggest problem you can have with a comedy: It's not funny.

The writers seem to be confusing setups for punchlines, or believe that "DC character acts in X-rated way" is by itself a joke. The best example I can bring up would be Dr Psycho calling Wonder Woman a cunt and the world reacting to it. That's a decent setup for a joke! You can juxtapose the world's acceptance of his crime and zero tolerance for that word in a funny and relatively topical way. It's a goldmine of a setup that they do precisely dick with. They don't even give it a punchline. Dr. Psycho says "cunt," the world stops and the setup is complete, and then the show moves on without every giving it a punchline.

This happens CONSTANTLY. The show is a never-ending series of setups without punchlines and almost-gags. Almost like it was written by a late-night talk show gag writer and a random script editor from Rick and Morty because that's exactly who wrote the series