No.111491799 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Top tier:
Batman that doesnt kill because he feels if he did he wouldn't be able to stop; also doesnt feel the need to save criminals from their own devices. Not above using torture, psychological warfare or other means to get the job done. Over all Stoic Batman, but has moments of levity or banter

Neutral/ Meh tier:
Batman doesnt kill because it's up to the courts/ system to carry out punishment; he's only there to stop/ prevent further casualties. Probably the "fun" campy Batman

Bottom rung shit tier:
Batman doesnt kill because "lol hes just as Cuh-razy as the bad guys! xD" obsessive mental disorder Batman. Is angry, shitty to everyone all the time, and constantly compensating because he's "THE GODDAMN BATMAN! xD"