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>The essence of Watchmen, both the comic book and the television series, is to use the superhero tropes to examine institutions and culture and politics and the things that inform our society, and that’s the rich mix that makes the show the show.

>So what is it actually about? To start with, it’s about white supremacy. After President Robert Redford signs a slavery reparations law, a group known as the Seventh Calvary adopts the Rorschach mask and begins targeting police officers in Tulsa, Oklahoma. To protect themselves, the police are forced to take on masks of their own. The issues of race and policing felt like the equivalent of the nuclear standoff between the Russians and the United States in 2019.

>As in the Watchmen comic, complex social issues cannot be solved with a faked alien invasion. “There’s no defeating white supremacy,” Lindelof added. “It’s not going anywhere, but it felt like it was pretty formidable foe.”