Sublime Sonichu Sub-Episode Sunday Storytime:

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A lot of people who storytime Sonichu waste their time doing the whole run from beginning to end. I ask you: why? You can hit the absolute peak of Sonichu's insane goodness with Issue #4: the sub-episode special.

From the Cwcki:
>Sub-Episodes are side stories in the Sonichu comics, set apart from the main story of Sonichu. They are centred around Chris, and are re-tellings of real-life events that happened to him based within the continuity of the comic books. They are featured in Sonichu #0 through #3, with #4 as a special compilation issue. Trolls generally prefer the sub-episodes to the regular comics, as Chris's IRL exploits where he is trolled by mall security guards tend to be more amusing than the bland adventures of a Mary Sue Sonic recolor.

These are Sonichu at its most fun and insane, so let's dive on in!