How the FUCK is Kevin Feige going to add X-men into the MCU??

No.109263535 ViewReplyOriginalReport
He can't just conventionality say millions of them were always there in the background doing their own thing this whole time. No one would buy that, not even reddit.

He can't contrive some event that creates mutants all at once because key characters will lose their backstories, or, in the case of Xavier, won't be able to fit into the experienced mentor role which is crucial to the creation of the X-men. You need an earlier Mutant generation, they can't come into existence all at once.

He can't do convoluted bullshit like universe combining or timeline retconning because that will fuck with the established canon of the previous movies and confuse the audience about what did or didn't happen.

He can't make them a product of magic or genetic engineering because that goes against the essence of the Mutants being a product of evolution. How can they be the next stage of human evolution if they are created by a reverse house of M type of situation??? Mutants are not magic!

He can't have Xavier brain hack millions of mutants powers away because that would go against Xavier's character of wanting to create a world where man and mutant can co-exist in peace. Also, we already had a movie about Xavier learning its wrong to hide his mutant identity in first class, why rehash the same arc?

Face it, Feige is FUCKED! There is no good way you can add Mutants into the MCU.