No.109163770 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Aang is facing an extremely hard choice. Will he kill Ozai and betray his moral code or will he let him live and threated the peace he worked so hard to restore?
>Haha, neither. He gets handed the ability to depower people by a magic turtle. No hard choices necessary.

>the non-benders of the world have considerably fewer job opportunities and thus overall lower social status than benders. Discontent has grown so much, that large numbers of non-benders have rallied behind a man called Amon to violently take power from benders. How can Avatar Korra deal with this problem?
>Haha, what problem? Amon is revealed as a bender and all his followers immediately forget about the issue

>Prince Callum is naturally talented with magic, but he is morally opposed to the practice of the only magic humans can use, will he give up his only talent and remain weak and unable to help his friends, or will he put aside his morals and use dark magic
>haha, what dilemma? Turns out all other humans ever just weren't trying hard enough and Callum can use elemental magic by connecting with nature. No consequences for anything.

Why is this shit allowed? What is the point of raising these interesting questions if they are going to be resolved by the plot in ways that just can't be applied to real life?