Gosh darn, I just love Hal

No.108628334 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I love Hal Jordan. I really, really do. I have lots of favorite characters, sure. I have ones I self-insert as, others I identify with and some I use as Power Fantasies. But Hal is different in that I do none of those things with him, yet he still remains in my Top 3. And I guess that’s what makes him special in a way. I like him purely for his character. And he’s helped me a lot all these years. Everytime I think of giving up, everytime I’m tired, I simply think “would Hal give up” and grit my way through it. In the same vein, whenever I get worried about doing something, afraid that I won’t be able to pull it off or see it through, I, again, think of Hal. And then I do it, with all my heart.
>In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night
>No Janny shall ban my mind
>Let those who worship the Kikes’ Lies
>Beware my White Power