Star vs the forces of autistic anons

No.108091981 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's a children's cartoon. On a board for cartoons. Are we supposed to just shit on it because some other people did? Are you afraid to tell people in real life of your interests because you're afraid they won't like them? Do you pretend that you hate stuff that other people do?

I don't know where we fucking went so wrong as to make absolute fucking cowards like you -who parrot every shitpost they see- welcome on this board. You echo every criticism you notice on this website without any knowledge of its source content so you can feel like you fit in the /co/ "le epic pessimist mindset" because you're certainly not going to get the satisfaction of community and friendship out of real life, you worthless fucking nobody.

I hate you. I hate everything you represent in this day and age on this board in which shitposting hiveminds have replaced actual debate. I hate that you are incapable of forming your own opinion. I hate that genuinely good shows and movies now have a bad reputation on this site because of fucking morons like you.