Tom King Didn’t Pick the Characters for Heroes in Crisis; DC Editors Did

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>King revealed that it wasn’t his choice to use Wally West, Booster Gold, and Harley Quinn in their roles in Heroes in Crisis. Instead, King came up with the plot, passed it off to DC’s editorial department, and they told him which characters would be used in each role.

King said:
"As I’ve said many times before, I don’t pick the characters for my story; I give my plot to the editors and then the editors pick the characters for me. So I told them in the beginning, “this is what it’s going to be — it’s going to be about one hero who’s made a mistake and it’s going to be about the two heroes that get framed for that mistake.” And they said, “okay, it’s Booster, Harley, and Wally, those are the three characters.”

Wally hasn’t had a successful solo comic since, when? 2003? What I’m saying is, the idea behind this is to elevate that character. Everyone is now talking about Wally. Everyone wants to see where Wally goes next. Everyone wants Wally to get the attention that that character deserves. He’s my favorite Flash. He’s my entry into DC comics — The Flash #53 by Messner-Loebs and Larocque was my first DC comic. I love that character. I have a page above my desk of Wally from that Flash run and I think this, at the end of the day, will shine a spotlight on my character and put him at the center of the DC universe, in a place he hasn’t been for 15 years.