I'm gonna say it

No.107470092 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The X-Men suck. The whole franchise is shit. The characters are unlikeable and inreasonable cunts with a victim complex. The narrative makes no sense. The same 4 plots points keep being repeated. Worse, it's nothing more than a soap opera with all the stuff sprinkled in so that the relationship drama, the cucking and so on and so forth, can continue. It gets "better" when you realize that all of those stories are spread out in countless spin-offs, recycling the same plots every year, sometimes concurrently. Moreover, the characters themselves are all boring personality vacuums that tick off one or two boxes of basic "personality traits". That wouldn't be that bad, if not for the fact that each one of them has 33 clones of them running around at any given time. All the concepts and world building is wasted on the X-Books, because X-Fags would rather talk about ships and "muh mutant allegory". The whole line is just a bunch of cool designs and ideas that are wasted because the players and stories are bottom of the barrel trash.