No.106740842 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Haven't seen today's episode yet, but here are my opinions Season 4 of Star VS so far since I just binged it this morning.

Eclipsa is getting a lot of character development
They are showing how badly some of the mewmans got fucked over and acknowledge that Globgor has done some really fucked up shit.
Romantic subplot has taken a backseat to the main story compared to season 3 which was heavily frontloaded with love triangle bullshit.

A lot of the side characters have been lost in the mix. Jackie is gone until the heat death of the universe and Janna despite being part of the character line up in the intro still has barely done anything since season 2.
Ponyhead continues to be awful and the fact that there was an actually heartwarming moment with Eclipsa that I had to sit through an entire episode of Ponyhead to get to annoyed the hell out of me.