kristen bell on Snow White and stranger danger

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>Kristen Bell, the voice of princess Anna in "Frozen," told Parents magazine she loves reading to her daughters Lincoln, 5, and Delta, 3, when they're "cuddled up like meerkats."

>But Bell said she's not 100 percent comfortable with the classic Disney princess tales.

>In particular, the 38-year-old actress has some concerns that Snow White undermines what she teaches her daughters about stranger danger.

>"Every time we close "Snow White" I look at my girls and ask, 'Don't you think it's weird that Snow White didn't ask the old witch why she needed to eat the apple? Or where she got that apple?' I say, 'I would never take food from a stranger, would you?' And my kids are like, 'No!' And I'm like, 'Okay, I'm doing something right.' "

>Bell also asks her daughters about the "Snow White" book when talking about consent when it comes to, at best, Prince Charming's presumptuous behavior.

>"Don't you think that it's weird that the prince kisses Snow White without her permission? Because you can not kiss someone if they're sleeping!"

What are your thoughts on Bell and Keira Knightley's recent statements regarding the appropriateness of Disney Princess films for children?