Who is Doom ?

No.103237489 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Serious question. Throughout the years, there have been so many characterizations of Doom that I'm having trouble telling who is the "real" one. He's been portrayed as a Fascist or merely a "Dictator", bordering on being a Commie. He's been shown to be a White Knight, and a Pimp-Slapping Sexist. A Holier-Than--Thou Liberal Fantasy, or a Racist and Xenophobic King. His plans ranging from "Conquer the World and make it one" to "set up an Empire and keep each county separate like States". Sadistic and cruel or merely efficient and not that violent. Crazy and insecure, or completely sure in himself.

So, after all said and done... who /is/ Doom ? Is the point that you can just pick and choose which attributes you like, disregard the rest as Doombots, and construct the "perfect" Doom; the way you want him to be ? Alost all Big 2 characters have contradictions, but Doom goes from one extreme to another, like a pendulum.