No.102932953 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The finale was great. I like that Finn became more three dimensional over time, and dealt with real emotions, I like that him and Jake both aged in their own ways, I don't care at all that pb and marceline ended up together, or that the show developed over time. The finale was a creative, thoughtful, and emotional take on universal themes like conflict, war, chaos, harmony, love, hate, evil, innocence, death, sacrifice, and life after trauma. It was funny, sad, scary, and sweet all at the same time, while introducing more world building through till the end. It was archetypal. You saw the world we've come to know turn into a body horror nightmarescape, and saw all of the characters deal with tragedy, only to overcome it, while carrying those burdens on with dignity. Jake saw his home destroyed, Finn got digested by a demon of chaos and watched himself disintegrate, Ice King finally regained his sanity only to watch the love of his life sacrifice herself for him, and BMO saw everybody he loved die over time and fade into a distant memory. The dream sequence was appropriately surreal and frightening, and the aftermath was bittersweet and left me wishing we never have to say goodbye to things we love. It was really well done imo.