Pendleton Ward Sat His Child And Masturbated to a Bag of Money As Anarchists Mutilate His Son

No.102778331 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Finn continues the rest of his existence a cripple
>The two waifus of the show turn into lesbians to dodge fucking the MC
>Finn is literally useless during the finale of his show
>Finn will never be immortalized in History because the god damn baby robot he looked after couldn't get his name right

I don't know how Pendleton Ward could have just stood by and watched people who hated his character do this. Pendleton Ward is the biggest cuckold in all of the cartoon industry. You have people like xayaphone and Luke pearson doing podcasts, saying they literally hated Finn and storyboarded plots to ruin his character. You have fucking Rebecca "Fuse the children" Sugar running her ships into this show's asshole.

Pen just took his cool million when his show was hot and fucked off so he could pretty much neet his life.
>Inb4 Pendleton Ward stepped down from show lead so he could work on bravest warriors

AHAHAHHAHAHA yeah workin real fucking hard on your 5 min stories ,huh Pen. Sure Bravest Warriors is way superior to Adventure TIme. I'm not here to argue that. But god damn, Pendleton just left his child with the xe-gendered homolusts to be used how ever they pleased. And he stood there among them, fat, jolly, and fucking complacent. Reveling in camaraderie as they gleefully planned where next to jam the fuck you stick inside Finn.

Here is a script I've prepared that I think would have made a far better end than the Finale we got.