Cliches that should be illegal

No.102003507 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I hope they get rid of the trope where the superhero's whiny friends complain to him that they can't do something shallow like play video games, get drunk, hang out doing nothing, have funny hijinks together.

Oh yeah hon let me just drop everything, drop rescuing the world, drop my own safety, all for you. Hmhm sounds good for you? you're not a selfish insane cunt for literally asking Superman to stop being Superman so he can go out to a picnic or some shit? No sir, not irresponsible and egocentric at all.

That shit was absolutely retarded in Randy Cunningham.

This is why the social aspect of action cartoons should be dropped entirely unless said whiny friend not only goes along with the hero, but has powers of his/her own to actually help the hero instead of being dead weight and a bargaining chip for opportunistic villains.

Oh or the rare times when the damsel in distress has standards for how she likes to be rescued. That's fucked up.