Stark The Futurist

No.101916381 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can somebody explain me how the FUCK he's a "futurist"?
>champion of Free Enterprise
>went ballistic and tried to kill Stingray cause "muh IP"
>is Pro Reg
>ends up paving the way for Osborn's Reign
>creates a Minority Report style AI in the 90s
>is Anti Ulysees
>is in possession of something that can fix anything
>forgets about it until he turns evil and sells it
>creates a Mecha-City
>lets it get destroyed and forgets about it
>has money for a Celestial Destroyer
>hasn't created any Space Collonies
Literally how the FUCK does it all make sense?! Does he expect all the poor people to die first, while he lives on in his Augmented Body, so that he and his rich WASP buddies can take over Earth later and shit?