
No.101764915 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's that anon?!
Outrage you say?!
Frustration over female representation in comics and cartoons this day?!
But what you forget - above all else must matter - is that you post with PRIDE!
Not childish Incel banter!

I have a plan anon!
To stop posting about the things you dislike but rather, instead, do!

You hate a mouse because it does right what others do wrong!
You refuse to accept any artstyle as that of a woman if not clad in a thong!
You fear to embrace anything in ink not older than you!
You fear to like the popular, blaming the Jew!
Your contrarian weakness pits you against all!
Finding monsters in the dark for your Witch Hunts! By heavens, the Gall!

For when you post with Pride you post like Ruber - a man of the heavens made flesh on the earth!
A confidence so unwavering it renders all detractors inert!
A warrior so mighty he need not project or deflect!
A winning streak so keen you best be placing a bet!
A meme so fresh dankness need not apply!
Times are changing, will you stand with me or continue to cry?