No.100933860 ViewReplyOriginalReport
That scene wasn't supposed to be some feminist commentary

On the contrary, it's mkaing fun of SJWs

On the subject of Vaneloppe being a princess or not, she asks "Do people assume a big strong man solved all your problems?"

The way she phrased it, she was actually implying that people THINK that princesses are all weak and hopeless and need a man to solve her problems

But, that's actually what hapenned to all lot of them, and you guys should have gotten the joke when Vaneloppe says "yeah what is up with that?"

Because we are aware that Ralph is big and strong and helped her solve her problems

That scene was a simple joke

These princesses see themselves as badasses but are actually not

Also, it's also a jab at people in the audience who think that all princesses are like that, because not all are (Mulan, Merida, Pocahontas...)

that's all there is to it