No.100387034 ViewReplyOriginalReport
90’s cartoon
>Pan shot of a desert
>Cacti, skulls, tumbleweeds, blurry screen
>Pan stops on a hill
>Two characters emerge from behind the hill, screen slightly tilted
>Towels on the head, sweat and breathe deeply, crawl on the floor
>One character try drinking from his canteen
>No water, he shake the empty canteen while the other character look him with tongue hanging
>”Look, there’s nothing left”
>Close shot of canteen, a single drop falls slowly

Current cartoon
>Midshot of two Calarts abominations walking one behind other
>Scrolling background with vague yellowish shapes
>Abomination raise his hands and start ranting
>”I CAN’T believe we’re LOST in that frickin desert AGAIN and we have NO WATER left!”