The Loud House 2-Year Anniversary

No.100223474 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The first episode, "Left in the Dark", officially aired on TV on May 2nd, 2016, though I remember episodes were available days before, online, but it's been a while.

Anyway, that's 2 years with 6 graphic novels (3 that've been out and 3 on the way) 3 seasons (with a fourth and a spin-off on the way), merchandise on the way, and a delayed movie.

I'm not really confident in how well a thread will go but I feel like it's obligatory, so for the people who are still following the show, what have you all thought about how it's been going and where it seems to be going from here?

For the next few episodes the exact date seems to be unclear, but there's still a promo for a new week of them: