Threads by latest replies - Page 182

(256 replies)

/sm/ - Shotacon

No.3786277 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>3784939
Trap shotas: >>3780687
Shota manga: >>3734757
Shota figs: >>3731038
251 posts and 150 images omitted
!VENk5mkP7Y (5 replies)
!VENk5mkP7Y No.3789316 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Generate and make your own husbandos with AI and share them!

>Easily generate them online!

>Find inspiration for prompts

>Make a nice collage of your results

>melt your GPU and install the software
( More information can be found in the stable diffusion general threads here: >>>/g/sdg )

old thread: >>3788819
(226 replies)

/sm/ - Shotacon

No.3784939 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Frens Edition.
Previous thread: >>3783238

Trap shotas: >>3780687
Shota manga recs: >>3734757
Shota figs and dolls: >>3731038
221 posts and 151 images omitted
(177 replies)

Trigun Thread

No.3786924 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
feed your plant with love. previous bread >>3785962
172 posts and 148 images omitted
(212 replies)

AI Husbandos #5:

No.3788390 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Generate and make your own male husband with online tools and share them !


old thread

Harem edition
207 posts and 152 images omitted
(209 replies)
No.3787148 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Generate and make your own male husband with online tools and share them !
Duo edition ?

Anything 4.0

old thread >>3786596
oldest thread >>3782748
204 posts and 155 images omitted
(37 replies)
No.3780085 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Been a while since we had a TWST thread, and what with Book 7 being released slowly but surely in JP and Book 6 finally getting an EN translation, it's the perfect time to make a new thread!
32 posts and 32 images omitted
(204 replies)

Genshin Impact

No.3786032 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You were the chosen one edition
Previous: >>3784970
199 posts and 156 images omitted
(28 replies)

Granblue Fantasy

No.3779846 ViewReplyOriginalReport
GBFES is on. Post the cute boys from it while you watch.
23 posts and 23 images omitted
(201 replies)

Vocaloid & Other Synths Thread

No.3768165 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
~ Angry Oliver Edition ~

A thread for Vocaloids, Fanloids, male genderswaps and other male synths.

Previous: >>3753143
196 posts and 151 images omitted