The Power of Copy Pasta

No.74168 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anybody ever realized that a lot of things lately which use to be posted on 4chan and even some things we call original content is merely just copy pasta from the darkest corners of the internet (onion)?

Because of the origins of most of the things we post, there isn't a way to actually prove that the original content came from here, but, what can be said is that you can easily link many 4chan users to the onion fairly easily in terms of traffick because of this, and because this is an anime message board, that means that we now have two pieces of information about the 4chan user base and creation of this meme original content.

If you go to pol right now, there are topics which are repeated remakes of the same topic just keeping up with current events, but, because of its right wing nature, it's in pol instead of news. If you look at bant, it's a mix of anime and politics, but, not right wing exclusive. Things posted on pol have lately been copy pasta from boards like bant and other boards, with very minor original content now being created from outside onion sources it seems.

This means that either the onion losing reputation with users on the internet has caused the death of the old 4chan which manifested what we have today, or it means that younger people just are too far indoctrinated and monitored to be seen going off the deep ends of the internet. I will continue posting more and more of my rants as this thread goes on.