homo sapiens is the deadliest animal on earth

No.11209359 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ive been researching human anatomy and ancient anthropology and ive come to the conclusion that man is the physically most deadly animal on earth pound for pound. this is talking about a totally weaponless zero morals bloodlusted man using only his limbs and intelligence for weapons. legs start off with stating how physically strong humans are compared to other animals, human tendon attachment and skeleton design allows ridiculous forces to be exerted with our arms and legs way more than any quadraped. our teeth are more deadly than any land based carnivore adjusted to size, carnivore teeth are designed for gripping and holding similar to our hands, where as ours are made for cutting, MASSIVE amount of blood loss more would be lost from our cookie cutter mouths than any blunt carnivore fang. our intelligence allows us to multitask complex defence and attack manuevers like simultaneously gouging eyeballs whilst suffocating and ripping out a throat at once, no other animal could do that. if you take a physically peak man and train him to be a fucking psychopath and put him against ANY animal his size or less he would win by a land slide. and there are examples of this kind of thing happening where a psycho who isnt afraid of pain 1v1's shit like pitbulls and fucking murders the dog like its nothing. humans are absolute demons of animals, and if you made a psychotic human the size of a bear and pit them against each other or a lion the human would absolutely win.