
No.10767085 ViewReplyOriginalReport

I'm working on a section about the historical use of 2.4 - 2.45 GHz band (including its use in Nazi Germany to sterilize and induce diabetes), Brillouin precursors with mmWaves, and the Moscow signal event, which was funneled into project Pandora and ultimately MKUltra. Beyond just gathering the data and documenting the real extent of our history, I'm also working on a section about what to be done about it. It's fairly simple though, in all cases you're going to need to raise awareness and have people informed and with you. Providing credible data, and handing out notices of criminal liability to those helping the "deployment" of this purported "communications system" has also been effective in some cases. In Australia antenna installation has been blocked because it constitutes an assault under their laws, as it prevents their "quiet enjoyment".

We have what is likely a brief period remaining to use the internet against them. It is necessary to build awareness in your locality.