No.10674220 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Technology is the antithesis of humanity. Every technological advancement we make further diminishes our worth as a species. Once the average human's worth becomes less than the average automaton's worth, there will be worldwide riots that call for a change in our economic system. Our current economic system thrives on competition and globalization. If humans can no-longer compete with their automated counterparts, the system will breakdown since at least a 50% majority will be unable to provide for themselves.

We could try to transfer to Communism. It's a system that doesn't rely on competition, and since we cannot compete against machines it allows us to live our lives in our modernized society without mass starvation (in theory). Even if we successfully implemented communism (doubtful), there would still be a feeling of worthlessness as anything any human could do would always be surpassed by a machine.

Capitalism has always worked since it is the economic equivalent to natural selection. Animals who cannot compete in their environment starve and die and those who live pass on their genes to the next generation. Natural Selection is essentially the same thing as Capitalism, except the resources people compete for are represented by currency. This system is going to breakdown because it is no longer dealing with nature. It is dealing with machines that have transcended nature. It is dealing with machines that are better than nature. Better than us.

Either way, humanity is on the downfall. As every day passes, more and more people realize their worthlessness. Almost everyone subconsciously realizes it. Most roles in society have transformed from producing goods to providing services. Mainly social services, since social services are harder to automate since they derive from the human condition. To think that stops them from being automated is naive. They will be automated and at some point, and we will really have nothing to offer afterwards.