Parapsychological Experiences

No.10671739 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi everyone, the purpose of this thread is to ask you a question I have regarding a unique phenomena which I personally experience, and which I am unsure of how to properly navigate. I have divided this post into several, involving an exposition, inquiry, and afterword - hopefully making for an easier reading.

A) Exposition
Essentially, in the recent past of my life, I spontaneously began to perceive visual phenomena around me that I could not before.

1. It began as what resembled "particles" in the sky, moving in a cyclonic fashion.
2. Then progressed to a perception of faint white glows emanating around any physical object.
3. Evolved further to a static perceived clearest on a surface, such as a wall, but found everywhere in my visual field.
4. The static thickened into a "mist", albeit one that "pulsed" like static does.
5. I began to perceive colors emanating around some people, and a very noticible "electricity" hovering a few inches behind their head.
6. I can perceive large clouds of the earlier "mist" shifting in the space around me, kind of like an activated blowdryer's steam resembles, but metres wide and moving through the air. (1/?)