Valuable lessons you've learned?

No.4214536 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is to practice and study with little distractions. I used to listen to podcasts ,Trump shit, or talk on the phone while drawing, but it takes up 15-40% of your focus. Save it for when you're doing tedious shit like flatting colors.

The other is to copy. Find your favorite artists and copy the fuck out of them. Put up reference images and draw things like how they draw them. You don't have to do exact copies, but just mimic them.

Stick to one program. I wasted a bunch of time bouncing between apps, and unless you have time to learn new apps, then you're just learning the new adjustment tools rather than learning to draw and paint.

Stick to one technique/process. Find a process one of your favorite artists use, and just do that. There's always going to be time to experiment later on when you're good. Lots of artists have demos online for you to reference.

Lastly, have multiple ligaments in your wrist.